Our sites The headquarters of the BGE is in Peine. There are other locations in Salzgitter and Berlin (liaison office). Headquarters Peine Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung mbH Eschenstraße 55 31224  ...
History of the Asse II mine The Asse II mine is one of three facilities constructed on the Asse mountain range in around 1900 for the purpose of salt extraction, which was discontinued in 1964. The  ...
Radioactive waste in the Asse II mine From 1967 to 1978, around 47,000 cubic metres of low- and intermediate-level radioactive waste were emplaced in the mine according to information from the former  ...
Licensing of the Konrad repository The Konrad repository in Salzgitter was licensed as part of a procedure that took around 20 years to complete. This is the first time that such a comprehensive  ...
What are the requirements for safe disposal? The disposal of radioactive waste is an extensive process consisting of many individual steps. In this context, the BGE is responsible for searching for,  ...
When will Konrad be finished? A report by an expert body in 2017 points to the first half of 2027 as the completion date, taking account of the uncertainties that can be assessed. In particular,  ...
What kind of waste is Konrad licensed for? The Konrad repository has been licensed exclusively for radioactive waste with negligible heat generation. These materials are low- and intermediate-level  ...