Phase I Step 2: Siting regions The aim of Step 2 of Phase I of the site selection procedure is to identify siting regions . These regions are to be explored above ground as part of the search for a  ...
BGE mission statement BGE staff members come from different backgrounds: geologists, mining technologists, engineers, economists, electronics technicians, communicators and many others. Some work  ...
BGE - 05.02.2025 In July, the BGE is getting a new Technical Managing Director On 1 July 2025, Jürgen Korth will assume the position of Technical Managing Director of the Bundesgesellschaft für  ...
Research calls BGE is looking for a site for a repository for high-level radioactive waste that will guarantee the best possible safety for one million years and operates the Konrad and Morsleben  ...
Asse information centre The Asse information centre is located in the immediate vicinity of the Asse II mine. As well as housing an exhibition, the centre is also used to hold regular talks and  ...
Morsleben information centre The Morsleben information centre is located in the immediate vicinity of the Morsleben repository. As well as housing an exhibition, the centre is also used to hold  ...