BGE On 23 June 2021, the BGE and BGE TECHNOLOGY GmbH were awarded the “Sicher mit System” (SmS) seal of approval by the German Social Accident Insurance Institution for the raw materials and chemical  ...
Endlagersuche The final disposal of high-level radioactive nuclear waste is primarily about safety. Safety analyses are thus essential in the repository search, its operation, and decommissioning as  ...
Press Release No. 04/23 – Asse From 5 May 2023, the Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung (BGE) will continue its exploration programme at the 750-metre level in the Asse II mine. With the new  ...
Press Release No. 01/23 - Repository Search Investigation of new surface exploration methods There’s an old miners’ saying that goes “It’s dark in front of the pick”. This alludes to a fundamental  ...
BGE Technology On 13 July 2020, BGE TECHNOLOGY GmbH (BGE TEC) from Peine will be 20 years old. BGE TEC is a subsidiary of the Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung mbH and is responsible for innovations  ...
Asse 19 March 2018 The plans for an early retrieval of radioactive waste from emplacement chamber 7 at the 725-metre level of the Asse II mine have been substantiated. “It is the first time that we  ...
Asse The BGE adjusts its discharge request for the Bergmannssegen Hugo mine to the strict drinking water limit value s 13 March 2018 The Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung (BGE) has once again  ...
Endlager Konrad In order for waste containers to be brought to the Konrad repository, a transfer station must be built at a depth of 850 metres. There, the containers that have been transported into  ...