Press Release

No. 06/17 - BGE Supervisory Board appointed

27 July 2017 The composition of the BGE Supervisory Board has been ascertained. Dr. Barbara Hendricks, Federal Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Construction and Reactor Safety, appointed the members by letter. The Supervisory Board is composed as follows:
  • Dr. Wolfgang Cloosters, Manager of the Department for the safety of nuclear facilities, radiation protection, nuclear provision and disposal at the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Construction and Reactor Safety
  • Jochen Flasbarth, State Secretary at the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Construction and Reactor Safety
  • Hubertus Heil, Bundestag member (SPD party)
  • Franz-Gerhard Hörnschemeyer, Industry Group Secretary for energy-sustainability in the industrial union for mining, chemistry and energy
  • Steffen Kanitz, Bundestag member (CDU party)
  • Sylvia Kotting-Uhl Bundestag member (Bündnis 90 / GREEN PARTY)
  • Jürgen Lühr, Works Council Chair for the Asse-GmbH Society for the operational management and closure of the Asse II shaft mine
  • Monika Thomas, Manager of the Department for Building, Construction and Federal Buildings at the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Construction and Reactor Safety
  • Gregor van Beesel, Technical Officer at the Deutsche Gesellschaft zum Bau und Betrieb von Endlagern für Abfallstoffe mbH (DBE) [German Company for the Construction and Operation of Final Repositories for Waste Materials]
  • Corinna Westermann, Sub-Department Manager at the Federal Ministry of Finance
  • Hubertus Zdebel, Bundestag member (LEFT party)
Selected representatives are to be named for the BGE from the employee side. The inaugural meeting of the Supervisory Board will take place in Berlin on 05.09.17. The BGE is a federal government company in the Federal Environment Ministry business area. On 25 April 2017, the BGE took over responsibility from the Federal Office for Radiation Protection as operator of the Asse II shaft mine and the Konrad and Morsleben final repositories. Its other responsibilities include the search for a final repository particularly for heat-generating radioactive waste. Managing Directors are Ursula Heinen-Esser (Chair), Dr. Ewold Seeba (Deputy Chair) and Prof. Dr. Hans-Albert Lennartz (Commercial Managing Director).


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