Foto eines winterlichen Sonnenaufgangs, fotografiert durch die Speichen eines großen Metallrads.
Asse - 14.03.2023

BGE presents a report on the development of a concept for characterising waste from the Asse mine

The BGE is publishing the final report on the “Development of a concept for characterising the radioactive waste to be retrieved from the Asse II mine”.


“GeoMetEr” research project begins

The research project is being launched in mid-March 2023 in collaboration with a project group led by the Freiberg University of Mining and Technology.

Eine stilisierte Lupe, darin eine Uhr

Press release No. 13/22: BGE hopes to submit report on siting regions in 2027 at the latest

In Step 2 of Phase I of the search for a repository for high-level radioactive waste in Germany, the task of the Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung (BGE) is to reduce 90 sub-areas to a small number of siting regions for surface exploration

Asse - 18.11.2022

Press Release No. 12/22 – BGE applies for temporary closure of district road

The Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung (BGE) is requesting the temporary closure of the district road K 513 between Remlingen and Groß Vahlberg for the retrieval of radioactive waste from the Asse mine.

A barrel with radioactive waste in storage chamber 7
Asse - 18.02.2022

BGE awards design planning contract for retrieval of radioactive waste from 750-metre level

The Federal Agency for Disposal (BGE) has awarded the draft plan for the retrieval of the radioactive waste from the 750-meter level of the Asse II mine: The bidding consortium "EPL RH 750-m" receives the order.
