6 people sit at tables in a conference room
Asse - 15.07.2022

Regional planning procedure for retrieval of radioactive waste from Asse II mine gets underway

In a joint press conference, the Office for Regional Development and the BGE informed about the application for the regional planning procedure for the retrieval of the radioactive waste from the Asse II mine.

Asse - 16.05.2022

Press Release No. 7/22 – BGE acquires plots for planned waste treatment plant and interim storage facility

In recent weeks, the Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung mbH (BGE) has acquired the remaining plots north of the Asse II mine following intensive negotiations.

Asse - 06.04.2022

Press Release No. 6/22 – BGE applies for regional planning procedure Asse retrieval

Regional Planning Announcement published.

A man is holding a microphone in his hand
Endlagersuche - 28.03.2022

Press Release No. 5/22 –The BGE presents its concept for the narrowing down of sub-areas

Initial safety assessments for potential nuclear waste repositories – BGE puts forward proposed methodology for discussion.

Bild der interaktiven Karte zeigt eine Karte, auf der Deutschland mit farbigen Markierungen zu sehen ist
Endlagersuche - 03.03.2022

Press Release No. 4/22 – BGE publishes the sixth update to the data report on data relating to exclusion criteria decisions

Close collaboration between the geological services of the federal states and the Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung (BGE) leads to greater transparency in the process of selecting a site for a repository for high-level radioactive waste.

A barrel with radioactive waste in storage chamber 7
Asse - 18.02.2022

BGE awards design planning contract for retrieval of radioactive waste from 750-metre level

The Federal Agency for Disposal (BGE) has awarded the draft plan for the retrieval of the radioactive waste from the 750-meter level of the Asse II mine: The bidding consortium "EPL RH 750-m" receives the order.

Bunte Pflaster mit verschiedenen Motiven
BGE - 26.01.2022

Vaccinate, test, inform: how the BGE is protecting its staff during the coronavirus pandemic

The corona pandemic has really picked up speed again with the Omikron variant. To protect its employees, the BGE has taken measures in numerous places to prevent the virus from spreading.

Aerial view of the Asse II mine
Asse - 10.01.2022

Press release No. 1 / 22 - Plans approved for waste treatment plant and interim storage facility at the Asse mine

The Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung (BGE) has taken another step towards the retrieval of radioactive waste from the Asse II mine. On 20 December 2021, it contracted out the draft and licensing planning for the waste treatment plant and interim storage facility.

Luftaufnahme des Bergwerks Gorleben

Press release: Gorleben mine to be closed

With the interim report of the Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung mbH (BGE) on 28 September 2020, the Gorleben salt dome was eliminated from the repository search for geological reasons. Since then, the BGE and the Federal Environment Ministry (BMU) have been investigating how to proceed with the Gorleben mine in Lower Saxony. The BMU has now decided to commission the BGE with the decommissioning of the mine.

[Translate to Englisch:]
Endlagersuche - 30.07.2021

Press Release No. 10/21 – BGE site selection relies on Open Source

For safety analyses of a future repository for high-level radioactive nuclear waste, the BGE is developing numerical models with freely accessible software – and invites the public to join in.
