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Endlagersuche - 15.04.2021

Press Release No. 5/21 – Digital event: How the repository search continues

Following the sub-areas interim report, the BGE is working with new methods and tools in order to find the best areas for exploration among the favourable ones.

Workshop des Bereichs Standortauswahl zum bestehenden Forschungsbedarf
Endlagersuche - 20.03.2019

No. 2/19 - What is important for the repository search

The BGE discussed the need for research for the repository site selection with about 100 scientists.

Grafisches Symbolbild für Meldungen
Endlagersuche - 13.03.2019

No. 1/19 – Repository Site Selection Act is fit for practice

BGE at public hearing in the environmental committee of the German federal parliament

Endlagersuche - 03.12.2018

No. 13/18 – Insights into the repository site selection

Nationwide magazine and new website www.einblicke.de goes online.

Mesfläche der 3D-seismischen Messungen mit den Zonen A, C und D
Asse - 06.11.2018

No. 12/18 – 3D seismic measurements in the vicinity of the Asse II mine

In the coming year, the Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung (BGE) plans to carry out 3D seismic measurements in the vicinity of the Asse II mine. The measuring area will be 37.5 square kilometres.
