Prepared drilling sites on the Asse withing a forest area
Asse - 27.05.2020

No. 3/20 - Exploratory drilling to start in October 2020

Work has begun on exploratory drilling at Asse. Drilling sites are prepared so that the drilling rig can be set up safely.

Measuring area of the 3D seismic survey on the Asse
Asse - 07.10.2019

No. 10/19 - Start of the 3D seismic survey

What does it look like under the Asse mountain range? In order enable the BGE to precisely plan the retrieval of radioactive waste from the Asse II mine, it has planned a large 3D seismic measurement campaign for this autumn.

Blick von der Ferne auf den Förderturm und das Gelände von Konrad 1
Endlager Konrad - 09.04.2020

No. 2/20 - Contract awarded for headframe on Konrad 2

The Konrad repository is getting a new look. Erection of the second headframe is scheduled to start in 2023 and be completed in 2026.

Grafisches Symbolbild für Meldungen
BGE - 31.01.2020

No. 1/20 - BGE is growing in Peine – parts of the company move to the Sparkasse

At the beginning of February, some of the staff of the Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung (BGE) will move into office space at the Sparkasse bank on Celler Straße in Peine.

An employee gets vaccinated against COVID-19.
BGE - 15.04.2021

Press release No. 7/21 – The BGE starts vaccination against COVID-19

Since 9 June 2021, the BGE has been offering its employees vaccinations against COVID-19. Employees who are unable to work from home will receive an offer first.
