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Press Release No. 6/21 – Beate Kallenbach-Herbert leaves the BGE

04/15/2021: The commercial managing director of the BGE moves to Jülich

Beate Kallenbach-Herbert, who has been Commercial Managing Director of the BGE since January 2019, will leave the company at the end of July. She is moving to the Jülich Entsorgungsgesellschaft für Nuklearanlagen mbH (JEN), where she will take on the role of technical managing director and chair of the management board. “I will be involved with the decommissioning of the nuclear research facilities and the disposal of radioactive waste – so I will still be dealing with the subject”, says Kallenbach-Herbert.

For the time being, Stefan Studt, Chair of the BGE Management Board and Steffen Kanitz, Deputy Chair of the BGE Management, will be in charge of the tasks for commercial management until a new director is appointed.

The BGE Management Board is sad to see Beate Kallenbach-Herbert go. Stefan Studt says: “In our still young company, she has helped to align BGE as a modern and efficient federal company”. Kallenbach-Herbert’s main focus has been to better align the commercial processes of the BGE with the project business of the technical divisions. She has also driven forward the corporate development of the BGE.

Beate Kallenbach-Herbert came to BGE from the Öko-Institut Darmstadt, where she headed the department of nuclear technology and plant safety.