Grafisches Symbolbild für Meldungen
Asse - 23.10.2019

No. 11/19 - Further exploratory drilling started

Deflected boreholes from Remlingen 15 planned. These are to be used to explore the salt dome in deeper areas.

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Endlagersuche - 30.07.2021

Press Release No. 10/21 – BGE site selection relies on Open Source

For safety analyses of a future repository for high-level radioactive nuclear waste, the BGE is developing numerical models with freely accessible software – and invites the public to join in.

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Endlagersuche - 15.04.2021

Press Release No. 9/21 – The BGE develops practical methods for the further repository search

In the coming years, 90 sub-areas are to become a small number of siting regions. In order to be able to propose siting regions, the BGE is developing methods for identifying those siting regions that are favourable for final disposal.

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BGE - 15.04.2021

Press Release No. 8/21 – BGE receives the “Sicher mit System” seal of quality

On 23 June 2021, the BGE and BGE TECHNOLOGY GmbH were awarded the “Sicher mit System” (SmS) seal of approval by the German Social Accident Insurance Institution for the raw materials and chemical industry (BG RCI).

Endlagersuche - 28.09.2020

No. 06/20 - 90 sub-areas throughout Germany

Three years after the start of the site selection process for a repository for high-level radioactive waste, the BGE presents the sub-areas interim report.
