The Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung (BGE) is responsible for the safe disposal of radioactive waste deep underground in Germany. This includes not only low- and intermediate-level radioactive waste but also searching for the best possible site for the repository for high-level radioactive waste in Germany through a science-based, transparent and learning process involving public participation. As part of this work, the BGE contributes to the protection of humans and the environment and assumes responsibility for future generations.
Through press releases, newsletters and articles on its websites BGE.de and Einblicke.de (external link), as well as through posts on social media, the BGE regularly provides information about the latest developments in its projects.
Among other things, this includes information on progress in the construction of the Konrad repository for low- and intermediate-level radioactive waste, the latest news on the retrieval of radioactive waste from the Asse II mine, and information on progress in plans for the decommissioning of the Morsleben repository and the Gorleben mine.
current information
Announcements and press releases Job offers Invitations to tender Research callsEvents
The BGE regularly invites all stakeholders to events where they enter into direct contact and dialogue with the general public. Outside of the events, you can always submit questions and comments by emailing dialog(at)bge.de.
For example, regular formats include the “Betrifft” events, at which staff from the Konrad, Morsleben, Asse and site selection projects report on the latest developments and take questions from members of the general public. The BGE also publishes the questions that were raised at the events, as well as those that arrive through other channels, along with the corresponding answers on its website for people to read at a later stage.
- Questions and answers on site selection
Working at the BGE
The BGE and its subsidiary BGE Technology (external link) now have a workforce of some 2,500 people – from miners and engineers to advisors and clerical assistants, as well as geoscientists, hydrogeologists and experts in radiation protection. As an organisation, the BGE is experiencing a process of growth and generational change. It has regular vacancies for new specialist staff, and also provides training in several occupations.
The BGE values the compatibility of work and family life and received the Beruf und Familie (Work and Family) certificate for the first time in June 2021.
The BGE is engaged in a search for a site for a repository for high-level waste. It plans complex installations, systems and components and works according to strict scientific, technical and legal criteria.
In order to carry out these tasks, the BGE requires a multitude of different products and services. You can find current tenders here.