
Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung mbH (BGE)
Eschenstraße 55
31224 Peine

Phone: +49 5171 43-0
Fax: +49 5171 43-1218
Email: poststelle(at)

The Management Board: Iris Graffunder, Marlis Koop, Dr. Thomas Lautsch

Chair of the Supervisory Board: Parliamentary State Secretary Dr. Jan-Niclas Gesenhues

Commercial register AG Hildesheim (HRB 204918)

Responsible for content: Iris Graffunder

Legal information

Access to information about the BGE should be facilitated for the public via the Internet site at, and a comprehensive picture of the BGE’s activities, plans and future projects should be communicated for all to see. The accuracy, current relevance, completeness, comprehensibility and 24/7 availability of the information provided are addressed with the greatest possible care.

Nevertheless, the following restrictions must be made:

Content from other providers

Direct or indirect references and links to the content of third-party Internet pages (hereinafter referred to as 'third-party content') on these pages have been compiled according to our best knowledge and with the greatest possible care. These references and links merely provide access to external content. The trustworthiness of third parties, the correctness and legality of the 'third-party content' were addressed with all due care.

However, since the content of Internet sites can change at any time, a continuous check of individual 'third-party content' is not possible in every case and cannot be reasonably carried out without concrete indications of legal violations. The BGE does not endorse third-party content as its own, has no influence on its current and future design nor on its content, and expressly dissociates itself from all third-party content that could be potentially relevant in terms of criminal or liability law or could be in violation of good morals.

If any indications of legal violations exist, the third-party content in question shall be immediately checked. If we become aware of legal infringements, such external links will be immediately deleted. The respective provider of the page referred to is solely liable for damages resulting from the use or non-use of third-party content.

Own content

Insofar as the content available on these pages contains legislation, official notices, recommendations or information, it has been created to the best of our current knowledge and with the greatest possible care. In the case of any inconsistencies, however, the sole authoritative text is the currently applicable version published in the relevant official organ provided for the purpose. Any legal notices, recommendations and information are not binding, and legal advice is not provided.

The following limitation of liability applies to the information provided:

Access to and the use of these pages is at the user’s own risk. The BGE assumes no liability for the correctness, completeness, current relevance, comprehensibility and 24/7 availability of the contents provided. Contributions identified by name merely express the opinion of the respective author and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the BGE.

As far as legally permissible, the BGE is not liable for material or immaterial damages resulting from the use or non-use of offered information or from the use of incorrect, incomplete, non-current and/or incomprehensible information. The BGE expressly reserves the right to change, amend, or delete parts of the pages or the entire Internet offer without prior notice, or to temporarily or permanently terminate the publication.

No contractual relationship between the BGE and the user is concluded through the usage of these pages. To the extent legally permissible, the BGE is not liable for any damages caused by computer viruses while accessing or downloading data, or for damages caused by the installation or the use of software.


In all publications, the BGE has made every effort to (a) respect copyright restrictions for all graphics, audio, video and text; (b) use graphics, audio, video and text created by the BGE itself; (c) use license-free graphics, audio, video and text.

The content published on these pages is subject to German copyright and ancillary copyright laws. All brands and trademarks used on this website and protected by third parties are subject to the provisions of the applicable trademark laws and the property rights of their duly registered owners. The fact that registered trademarks are mentioned on this site shall not be construed to mean that such trademarks are not protected by third-party rights.

The copyright for texts, pictures, graphics and other content belongs to the BGE or the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS), unless otherwise indicated.

Any use not permitted by German copyright and ancillary copyright laws or by the relevant trademark law requires the express prior written consent of the BGE or that of the respective copyright holder. This applies especially to reproduction, editing, translation, storage, processing, reproduction of contents in databases or other electronic media and systems, and to electronic utilisation. The unauthorised exploitation of individual content or of complete pages is not permitted and constitutes a criminal act.

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If any section or wording of this text only partially complies, no longer complies, or does not completely comply with valid legal requirements, the content and validity of the remaining sections of the document shall remain unaffected.

Important note on accessing documents through electronic signature as per Section 3a, Paragraph 1 of the Administrative Procedures Act

For the transmission of electronic documents, even if they are provided with a qualified electronic signature, the sending and receiving of documents to and from this authority applies only to the email address poststelle(at) as per Section 3a, Paragraph 1 of the Administrative Procedures Act.
