Mesfläche der 3D-seismischen Messungen mit den Zonen A, C und D
Asse - 06.11.2018

No. 12/18 – 3D seismic measurements in the vicinity of the Asse II mine

In the coming year, the Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung (BGE) plans to carry out 3D seismic measurements in the vicinity of the Asse II mine. The measuring area will be 37.5 square kilometres.

Grafisches Symbolbild für Meldungen
BGE - 18.10.2018

No. 11/18 – New supervisory board of the BGE appointed

The composition of the new supervisory board of the Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung (BGE) has been determined and was decided yesterday by the cabinet.

BGE - 22.08.2018

No. 10/18 – BGE and BGR sign cooperation agreement

The Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) supports the BGE in the area of the repository site selection as well as in the Asse, Konrad, and Morsleben projects.

Asse - 19.07.2018

No. 09/18 – Lower Saxony State Office for Mining, Energy and Geology approves discharge of Asse water into mine

The BGE undertakes to comply with the limit values of the Drinking Water Ordinance.

BGE - 13.07.2018

No.08/18 – The BGE signs partnership agreement with French waste management agency Andra

The partnership agreement signed between the BGE and the Agence nationale pour la gestion des séchets radioactifs (Andra) on Thursday 28 June 2018 aims to promote the exchange of information between the two companies.

BGE - 28.06.2018


On 21 June 2018, DBE TECHNOLOGY GmbH became BGE TECHNOLOGY GmbH by the entry in the commercial register of the district court of Hildesheim.

BGE - 13.06.2018

No. 06/18 – New managing director of DBE TECHNOLOGY announced

On Monday, 11 June 2018, the shareholders’ meeting of DBE TECHNOLOGY (DBE TEC) appointed Dr Thilo von Berlepsch as the new Managing Director of DBE TEC alongside Dr Jürgen Krone.

Endlager Morsleben - 29.05.2018

No. 05/18 – Thematic weeks “From salt mining to a repository for radioactive waste”

From 5 to 24 June 2018, the Morsleben Information Centre will be offering a wide range of activities above and below ground with special thematic focuses as part of the “Salty Tour”.

Endlagersuche - 19.04.2018

No. 04/18 – BGE expert workshop on the site selection procedure (updated)

On 16 and 17 April 2018, the Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung (BGE) held the second expert workshop with participants from the geological services and state mining offices of the 16 federal states. The workshop dealt with the geodata of the federal states required for the application of the minimum requirements.

Asse - 19.03.2018

No. 03/18 – BGE substantiates plans for early retrieval from the Asse. Rough concept is available

The plans for an early retrieval of radioactive waste from emplacement chamber 7 at the 725-metre level of the Asse II mine have been substantiated.
