The company
The BGE is mandated by the Federal government to perform tasks in the disposal of radioactive waste. The federally-owned company was founded for this purpose in July 2016. The new company was created through a merger of the repository divisions of the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) and the operating companies Asse-GmbH and Deutsche Gesellschaft zum Bau und Betrieb von Endlagern für Abfallstoffe (DBE).
Since April 2017, the BGE has been the responsible operator of the German repository projects Konrad and Morsleben as well as the Asse II mine. Further tasks are the site selection procedure for a repository for high-level radioactive waste and the closure of the Gorleben mine. Around 2,300 BGE employees at currently seven sites are responsible for these tasks.
The work and the organisational form of the BGE are based on the Atomic Energy Act (Section 9a, paragraph 3, sentence 2 AtG) and the Repository Site Selection Act (StandAG). The sole shareholder is the Federal Republic of Germany. There is no profit orientation. A supervisory board controls the work of the company.
The BGE finances its work partly through a state-administered fund which the energy suppliers have paid around € 24 billion into, and partly through tax revenues. With the aim of making corporate decisions in all areas more transparent, the BGE is committed to the currently applicable standards of the Public Corporate Governance Code of the Federal Republic of Germany. It contains essential provisions of applicable law on the management and supervision of companies in which the Federal Government has a stake as well as internationally and nationally recognised standards of good and responsible corporate governance.
Documents on the subject
The BGE technology
BGE is the sole shareholder of BGE TECHNOLOGY GmbH (external link). The subsidiary of the former DBE is active in the fields of international co-operations and projects, research and development, and repository safety.
Links to the topic
- Federal Ministry of Finance (external link)
- Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) (external link)
- Federal Office for the Safety of Nuclear Waste Management (BASE) (external link)
- Public Corporate Governance Kodex (PCGK) (external link)
- BGE TECHNOLOGY (external link)