Announcement - Asse II mine
23 November 2017: Values measured in the evacuated inflow waters.
Period of removal: 20 November 2017 - 22 November 2017 Batch number 11/2017 Amount: 332 cubic metres Tritium: 2.1 becquerels per litre Caesium-137: < 0.9 becquerels per litre (beneath detection limit) Period of removal: 23 October 2017 - 25 October 2017 Batch number 10/2017 Amount: 318 cubic metres Tritium: < 1.6 becquerels per litre (beneath detection limit) Caesium-137: < 0.74 becquerels per litre (beneath detection limit) Period of removal: 25 September 2017 - 27 September 2017 Batch number 09/2017 Amount: 316 cubic metres Tritium: 3.2 becquerels per litre Caesium-137: < 0.9 becquerels per litre (beneath detection limit) Period of removal: 28 August 2017 - 30 August 2017 Batch number 08/2017 Amount: 322 cubic metres Tritium: < 1.4 becquerels per litre (beneath detection limit) Caesium-137: < 0.61 becquerels per litre (beneath detection limit) Period of removal: 31 July 2017 - 02 August 2017 Batch number 07/2017 Amount: 336 cubic metres Tritium: 1.7 becquerels per litre Caesium-137: < 0.59 becquerels per litre (beneath detection limit) Period of removal: 03 July 2017 - 05 July 2017 Detection limit The detection limit describes the lowest value within a measuring procedure for which the measured parameter (such as the specific activity of radionuclides in a liquid sample) can be reliably determined. The detection limit reflects the sensitivity of the selected analysis procedure. For example, if the activity concentrations of radionuclides are so low that they cannot be determined with a sufficient degree of certainty, the “limit of detection” is indicated. It shows the highest possible activity that may theoretically be present in a sample.

Ein Mitarbeiter nimmt auf der 658-Meter-Ebene eine Gewässerprobe.
Sampling at the main collection point on the 658 metre level
Links to the topic
- Announcement: Measurement values of evacuated inflow waters (21 July 2017)
- Announcement: Information event on Asse inflow waters (21 July 2017)
- Announcement: Asse brine: Waste management options extended (22 June 2017)
- Values measured earlier can be found on the BfS archive pages for the Asse II mine
- Overview of all BGE announcements and press releases