
23 November 2017: Infomobile Tour 2017 - Summary

The Infomobile of the Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung mbH (BGE) has completed its 2017 tour. Between 10 May and 21 October 2017, the BGE staff talked to more than 750 visitors at the 16 stops. Apart from the Asse, Konrad and Morsleben projects, people were particularly interested in the search for a repository for high-level radioactive waste, the start of the site selection procedure and the establishment of the BGE itself. In 2018, we will again use the Infomobile to discuss with people locally and inform about the tasks of the BGE and the status of our projects. Meanwhile, you are invited to come to see our Asse, Konrad and Morsleben info centres, visit the mines and benefit from our public relations offering. Please find further information at “Info centre & public tours”.

The BGE Infomobile at the Long Night of Sciences in Magdeburg
